Contact us
For more information about submitting a paper, participating or sponsoring the event, please contact:
STAB 2012 Secretariat
School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechneiou, Zographos
Athens 15780, Greece
Fax: +30 210 7721408
Tel: +30 210 7721714
Accommodation & Conference Travel support:
s.a, Conference Planning & Development
tel. +30.2810-229712 ext. 54- fax +30.2810-225431
Abstract submission
15 October 2011
Abstract acceptance
4 December 2011
Extended to 31 March 2012
Paper acceptance
6 May 2012
Final submission
15 June 2012
Early registration
30 June 2012
Organised by the
School of Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering
STAB 2012
11TH International Conference on the Stability of Ships and OCEAN Vehicles
23-28 September 2012, Athens