
About STAB

Conference Topics



Paper Submission

Venue & Accommodation



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 Venue and Accommodation

The selected Venue of the Conference is the Royal Olympic Hotel (28-34 Athanasiou Diakou Str. 117 43, Athens, GREECE, Tel.: +30 210 9288400, Fax.: +30 210 9233317). We have reserved, through our contracted conference organizer  Sbokos s.a ,  a number of rooms in this hotel at special rates for the participants of the Conference. In order to place your room reservation please visit https://www.congress.gr/wizardapp/wizard/index/24/1. At the same address you can fill in also the participant registration form. For inquiries about other hotel options, especially lower budget hotels, please send a message to  book@conference.gr .

Located in front of the famous Temple of Zeus and just five minute walk from the Constitution (“Syntagma”) Square and the Greek Parliament Building, the Venue is ideally selected for easy access to the Metro, the Acropolis and its new splendid museum.

More information about local attractions and travel will be uploaded soon. For enquiries please contact Sbokos s.a, by sending your message to book@conference.gr.










Login (authors & reviewers)

Important Dates

Abstract submission

15 October 2011

Abstract acceptance

4 December 2011

Full paper submission

Extended to 31 March 2012

Paper acceptance

6 May 2012

Final submission

15 June 2012

Early registration

30 June 2012



Organised by the

National Technical

University of Athens

School of Naval Architecture 

and Marine Engineering



 STAB 2012

11TH International Conference on the Stability of Ships and OCEAN Vehicles

 23-28 September 2012, Athens