
About STAB

Conference Topics



Paper Submission

Venue & Accommodation



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The STAB Series of Conferences

This very successful series of international conferences is running since 1975. Previous STAB conferences were held in the following cities:



The STAB conferences are organized with the following objectives:



Login (authors & reviewers)

Important Dates

Abstract submission

15 October 2011

Abstract acceptance

4 December 2011

Full paper submission

Extended to 31 March 2012

Paper acceptance

6 May 2012

Final submission

15 June 2012

Early registration

30 June 2012



Organised by the

National Technical

University of Athens

School of Naval Architecture 

and Marine Engineering



 STAB 2012

11TH International Conference on the Stability of Ships and OCEAN Vehicles

 23-28 September 2012, Athens